Category: Reviews

The job of a typical librarian bears little resemblance to what they would have been doing on a daily basis just a couple of decades ago. Today’s librarians must be experts in fields like informatics and information science because they’ll need to help people access information across a range of ever-evolving systems. Library science professionals […]

The widespread availability of online programs in the library science space makes the field an especially attractive one for master’s degree students who need to be able to complete their training in a flexible format. Syracuse University, one of the leading research universities in the U.S., offers a cutting-edge master’s degree program through its School […]

The Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California is home to an online master’s degree in library and information science that many prospective professionals in the field will find compelling. While it’s not the ideal program for every person, let’s check out what students should know about the program and what its […]

For prospective graduate students in library and information science, the most important decision they’ll make is where to get their degree. But a close second is whether they’ll attend online or in-person, and fortunately for these students, the majority of library science master’s programs offer the option of completing a master’s in library science entirely […]

Library and information science is a unique field in many ways. In addition to focusing on well-established and modern methods of organizing and accessing information, the field is also unusual in that a majority of the top programs for graduate study in library science offer degrees that can be earned entirely or mostly online. The […]

For any person considering a career in library science, they know earning a master’s degree is perhaps the most important educational step they’ll take to kick off their career. But if the prospect of spending two or more years traveling to a university campus to get a master’s in library science isn’t appealing, the good […]

For students of library and information science, there’s one major educational hurdle they need to clear to get a job in the field — a master’s in library science. Fortunately, many of the best programs in the subject offer optional online degrees, helping students in Wisconsin and beyond fit education around their lives rather than […]

Kent State University’s online Master of Library and Information Science degree is Ohio’s only graduate degree in library science accredited by the prestigious American Library Association. Let’s learn more about what prospective students should know about this program, whether they live in Ohio or elsewhere, as well as what the biggest benefits and drawbacks are […]

For most people who are considering careers in library and information sciences, earning a master’s degree is the most important educational step. Fortunately for these students both in Louisiana and across the country, there are many excellent online options for completing a master’s degree in the field. One such option is an online master’s degree […]

Most people who are considering a career in library and information science know that earning a master’s degree is often the most important educational step they can take to start their professional lives off on the right foot professionally. Fortunately for students in Mississippi and across the country, the University of Southern Mississippi offers a […]

For most prospective professionals in library and information science, a master’s degree is a crucial component to becoming qualified for positions in the field. Fortunately for students who need some flexibility in earning their degrees, online programs are quite common, including one at the University of Missouri. What do students in the state and across […]

Most people who are planning for careers in library and information science know there’s one big educational hurdle they need to clear — getting a master’s degree in the subject. Fortunately for prospective students across the country, there are dozens of excellent options for pursuing graduate education in library science, including here in Minnesota. St. […]

Future practitioners of library and information science know they generally have one major academic hurdle to clear before they can start their careers — earning a master’s degree in library science. Fortunately for students in California and across the U.S., there are many online options for completing a master’s degree in this field. One such […]

Prospective professionals in library science know that in order to qualify for certain jobs, they’ll need to obtain a master’s degree in the field. Fortunately for these students, there are many online or online-traditional hybrid programs that will give them the flexibility to earn the required degree while still working. One such program is offered […]

For future professionals in library and information science, earning a master’s degree is generally the price of admission into this career path. The good news for these individuals is there are many flexible options for getting their degree, including at North Carolina Central University. Let’s learn more about NCCU’s program, which can be completed online, […]

In any field of study, completing a graduate degree represents high achievement. In some fields, such advanced education is necessary for securing a job and having a successful career. Library and information science is one of those fields. Fortunately for library science students, many excellent options exist for earning a master’s degree, including online programs. […]

For most fields and industries, candidates with master’s degrees are attractive because they’ve gone above and beyond what’s expected. But for those in library science, a master’s degree is typically considered a must-have, which is why students may be excited to learn that they have many options for completing the necessary education online. One option […]

For budding professionals in library and information science, the need for a master’s degree is well-known. Not only does this level of academic achievement signal real dedication to the field, but in many cases, a master’s degree is mandated by state boards for jobs in public schools or libraries. Fortunately for students in Pennsylvania and […]

In most fields, getting a master’s degree signals a serious commitment to the study of your chosen field. But for some industries, such as library science, a master’s degree is mission-critical to even getting a job at all. Fortunately for library science students in the Chicago area and across the country, many schools, such as […]

In most fields, job candidates with master’s degrees are usually given special consideration in the hiring process. But for professionals in the library science industry, a master’s degree is usually required to be considered at all. Fortunately for students in North Carolina and across the country, East Carolina University offers a master’s degree in library […]

As most budding library and information science professionals know, getting a master’s degree is the key to accessing challenging and rewarding careers in the field. There are many colleges and universities that offer such degrees, including many that allow students to attend entirely or partially online, including Emporia State University in Kansas. Let’s take a […]

Hopeful future professionals in library and information science know there’s one big academic hurdle they’ll need to clear: earning a master’s degree in the field. In most industries, graduate degrees can help professionals improve their skills or increase their earning potential. But in library and information science careers, such a degree is typically the price […]

In any field, pursuing a master’s degree is a major investment of time (and money), and for most professionals, it’s a way to get a better, higher-paying job. For professionals in library and information science, though, a master’s degree is typically required to get most jobs. Fortunately for library science students across the country, many […]

As most professionals in the field know, getting a library and information science master’s degree not only represents an enormous academic achievement, but it’s typically required to even be considered for a job in the first place. That’s because some jobs require state licenses that can only be granted after a master’s degree, and even […]

In some fields, getting a master’s degree is considered the only way of increasing your earning potential, while in others it’s a mission-critical first step in a successful career. Library and information science fits into the latter definition. Most professionals in library and information science are well-acquainted with the requirements involved in state licensure, which […]

In most fields, earning a master’s degree is just one way to improve your skill set, signal your dedication to the field and boost your earnings potential. But in some fields, completing a graduate degree is the only viable path to getting a job in the first place. For the average professional in library and […]

In most fields, completing a master’s degree is a popular way to improve skill, signal dedication to the field and boost earnings potential. But in some fields, earning a graduate degree like a master’s is one of the only paths to getting a job at all. For the average professional in library science, earning a […]

For most working professionals, getting their master’s degree can help them improve their skills and subject matter expertise as well as boost earnings. But in many fields, earning a graduate degree is one of the only realistic paths to a successful career. For most library science professionals, a master’s degree is a crucial educational step, […]

For professionals in most fields, getting a master’s degree is a signal of academic achievement, and it’ll probably come with a pay bump. In the field of library and information science, a master’s degree is generally considered mission-critical to getting a career off the ground in the first place. Florida State University has a popular […]

Online degrees in library science are surprisingly common, making competition between different universities strong for students across the country. St. John’s University, a private Catholic university in the New York City borough of Queens, offers one of the few online Master of Science in Library Science degrees on the East Coast. What should students know […]