6 Popular Librarian Groups To Join On LinkedIn

Librarianship is a challenging, rewarding, and constantly evolving field of employment. Most people don’t actually realize the wide array of skills that go into becoming a great librarian and it’s important to take the time to master all of the different aspects of librarianship. However, no matter how much education you provide yourself with there is no question that a large part of your overall success as a librarian will also hinge on professional contacts and constant enrichment. That’s why LinkedIn can be so important.

LinkedIn is like the Facebook of professionals. It basically allows you to connect with others in your field, interact with them, and more. You can carry on a number of different discussions about librarianship including things like tips and tricks on thriving, how to find work, integration of technology into your library, and much more. But in order to get the most from LinkedIn, you have to use it properly. One of the big aspects of doing this is to take the time to join the right LinkedIn groups.

Groups are broken down into different specific categories and provide a place to carry on numerous discussions with others in your field. There are several options on the site to choose from, but here are some of the absolute best librarian groups to think about joining on LinkedIn.

1. Librarianship Job Search and Careers Page

– This is actually a subset of the ALA and focuses on providing a place for job seekers as well as potential employers in the library field to meet, discuss various issues, and more. Subjects discussed include industry trends, current events, networking, and much more. It’s a good group to join for those looking to break into the library field as well as those who are already working professionally in the field but who want to learn more about what they can do to enhance their skillset and their opportunities.

2. Librarians In The Job Market

– This was started by a single person instead of an organization, but it has become an excellent source of tips and tricks for maximizing your success when looking for library positions. You’ll find discussions as well as links to external resources that may be able to help provide you with the right tools, techniques, and leads you need to track down the right job and land it with relative ease.

3.LIS Career Options

– This is another subpage of the ALA. This one, however, focuses on a variety of traditional and alternative career opportunities. It’s not solely focused on actually finding a job, but is instead committed to helping members of the group discuss with one another and learn more about the different job options in the field. Things like what types of library positions are available, what type of work is involved, what salaries you can expect, and more are all covered. Also discussed are strategies, tactics, and tips to help one reach their overall career goals.

4. I Need A Library Job (INALJ)/

– Just like its name suggests, this is a LinkedIn group that focuses on offering professionals in the field the chance to discuss jobs in the librarian field, locate different available opportunities, and share tips as well as info related to the search. The overall goal is to assist in the process of finding a great job, and it has a growing membership that regularly contributes information and discussions to the group.

5. Strategic Librarians Group

– This is an active group that offers law firm librarians the chance to enhance their overall level of strategic operations, to improve their overall level  of knowledge, and enhance their expertise in the field. It features online meetings, surveys, presentations delivered by other group members, and much more. It’s a group that has the potential to truly change the way that you operate in your daily routine and may help you thrive in your position and even move forward in your career.

6. Librarian Alternatives

– This page is focused for those who are working in the librarian field or who are seeking employment. However, it also focuses on the prospects that lie outside the library world. Librarians have a huge assortment of vital skills that make them excellent additions to numerous teams and companies, and in some areas it is difficult to find employment as a librarian. The overall focus of this group is to help provide opportunities that can help those with librarian related training or experience look outside the box and consider additional employment options that they may not have considered before.

There are obviously other groups available on LinkedIn to consider, but these 6 make up the best foundation for your future. Join one or all of them and start interacting with the group, and you’ll likely find that there are numerous benefits of being a part of the LinkedIn community.


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Sarah J

Sarah J is Chief Editor and Founder at MastersinLibraryScience.net, formerly LibraryScienceList.com (LSL). Join us today and become a community curator. We can also be found on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. Learn more about me on Google+